High blood sugar over a long period of time, such as months or years, causes damage to body organs. This damage is not usually seen for 10 years or longer.
High blood sugar, over time, leads to:
Kidney damage and kidney failure
Blood vessel damage that can cause heart attacks and strokes
Eye disease that can cause poor vision or blindness
Nerve damage that can cause pain like pins and needles in the feet
Sores on the feet or legs that do not heal and could lead to removal of a toe, foot, or leg
Sexual problems, such as not being able to get an erection
Taking care of your diabetes and keeping most of your blood sugars near the normal range throughout your life lowers your chance for these long-term problems.
What should I do when my blood sugar is high?
If your blood sugar is 240 or higher:
Check ketones. If you do not check for ketones, you will not know if you have them.
If you have small, moderate, or large ketones, take extra rapid-acting insulin right away.
Drink a lot of carbohydrate-free drinks right away.
Follow the instructions for taking extra insulin.
High blood sugar and checking ketones
There are many reasons your blood sugar can go too high. It is important to know what causes high blood sugar and why high blood sugar is dangerous.
Causes of high blood sugar
Eating too much carbohydrate or too much quick-acting carbohydrate
Not enough activity
Not taking enough insulin
Forgetting to take insulin
Illness or infections
Injury or surgery
Signs of high blood sugar
Urinating (going pee) a lot
Thirsty and drinking a lot
Dry mouth and dry skin
Blurry vision
Yeast infections in the groin area
PS. Reverse High Blood Sugar today by joining the ADDYS Antidiabetes Meal Plan Challenge Group.
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