Do you know that you can have a fatty liver and not even know because the symptoms haven’t shown up yet and you feel fine?
Liver problems don’t always show up on blood tests. An ultrasound can show whether you have fatty liver or not.
The good news is you can reverse fatty liver naturally with a few home remedies and diet.
According to Amaka,
“I was completely unaware that I had fatty liver until I had to make an emergency room visit for a strange burning sensation in my stomach. They did an ultrasound and found that I had fatty liver and gallstones”
P.S. If you experience any symptom like Amaka, then you should get an ultrasound done to check for FATTY LIVER.
If you are having strange symptoms and wonder what they are, here are some symptoms of fatty liver disease:
Right shoulder pain
Yellow whites of eyes
Skin issues
Itchy bottoms of feet
Protruding belly
Back pain
Abdominal pain
Lack of appetite
Inability to lose weight
Always hungry
Your liver has over 500 functions in your body! You can see why it’s pretty important for it to be healthy.
To be cont……..
Watch out for Part 2
I am ADDYS 💝