1Can You Fast If You Have Diabetes?
If you’re thinking of trying a fast and you have diabetes, you’ll want to know what the risks are, how to avoid them.
Some people fast for several days or even weeks at a time, for example, for religious reasons. But not eating for more than 24 hours when you have diabetes can be dangerous.
Fasting may have some general health benefits. For example, it could cut down on inflammation, help with weight loss, and lower cholesterol. Fasting may also improve the way your body manages glucose (blood sugar) and cut down on insulin resistance. ( I would be talking about the exact type of fast that is best for Diabetics in my next post because there are different types of fast)👍
When you fast, you’ll probably be hungry (at least at first). You might also feel drowsy and irritable. Not eating may give you a headache. And if you fast for more than a day or so, your body may not get enough of the nutrients it needs without supplements.
But the biggest danger of fasting if you have diabetes is that your blood sugar levels could go dangerously low (this is called hypoglycemia). That’s especially true if you take medication like insulin to control your diabetes.
Hypoglycemia can cause you to feel shaky, pass out, or even go into a coma.
Watch for signs of low blood sugar. If you start to feel shaky, sweaty, or confused, your blood sugar may be too low. Stop fasting right away
For example, eat a glucose gel or have a sugary drink followed by a small, balanced meal when your blood sugar level is back to normal.
When you “break” your fast by eating, you may also be more likely to develop too-high blood sugar levels.
Be careful about what you eat after fasting. Eating too many carbohydrates after fasting can cause your blood sugar levels to become too high. Choose healthy, balanced meals and snacks.
Stay hydrated. Having diabetes puts you at risk of dehydration, which can make your blood sugar harder to manage. Drink lots of water and calorie-free beverages when you fast.
Watch out for next post 📯
Coming from the No1 BLOOD SUGAR BUSTER 💥💥💥💥💥
I am ADDYS 💝